期刊:Informs Journal on Computing
论文题目:Exact simulation of quadratic intensity models
作者:曲妍(本院教师); Dassios, Angelos; Liu, Anxin; Zhao, Hongbiao
We develop efficient algorithms of exact simulation for quadratic stochastic intensity models that have become increasingly popular for modeling events arrivals, especially in economics, finance, and insurance. They have huge potential to be applied to many other areas such as operations management, queueing science, biostatistics, and epidemiology. Our algorithms are developed by the principle of exact distributional decomposition, which lies in a fully analytical expression for the joint Laplace transform of quadratic process and its integral newly derived in this paper. They do not involve any numerical Laplace inversion, have been validated by extensive numerical experiments, and substantially outperform all existing alternatives in the literature. Moreover, our algorithms are extendable to multidimensional point processes and beyond Cox processes to additionally incorporate two-sided random jumps with arbitrarily distributed sizes in the intensity for capturing self-exciting and self-correcting effects in event arrivals. Applications to portfolio loss modeling are provided to demonstrate the applicability and flexibility of our algorithms.

期刊:Technological Forecasting and Social Change
作者:陈岩(本院教师); Zhang, Ruiqian; Lyu, Jiayi; Ma, Xin
This paper investigates the long-term butterfly effect of cloud computing on the low-carbon economy against the dual backdrop of the digital age and carbon neutrality. Utilizing a full-sample and sub-sample approach, the study identifies the complex interrelationship between the China Cloud Computing Index (CCI) and the Low Carbon Index (LCI). The quantitative examination reveals how CCI impacts LCI - both favorably and unfavorably. The positive effects suggest that cloud computing serves as a motivator in the environmentally friendly economy. In case of negative impacts, however, it is not possible to always determine the incentive effects owing to the large amounts of energy consumption generated by cloud computing data centers. Meanwhile, the positive influence of LCI on CCI indicates how the pursuit of low carbon-economy (as a goal) will bring opportunities for the explosive growth of the cloud computing industry. Cloud computing has increasingly prompted the fluctuation of carbon emissions in the whole ecosystem. By exploring this butterfly effect, this study digs deeper into the complex interrelationship between the discussed indexes. It is expected that the study outcomes will offer meaningful recommendations for the two main vectors of economic development - greenization and digitalization.

期刊:Journal of Cleaner Production
论文题目:How do competition and collaboration promote green technology diffusion? Evidence from the global hydropower industry
作者:许冠南(本院教师); Yanmeng Wang; Liming Wang; Yuan Zhou
Amidst urgent global calls for sustainable development, the diffusion of green technology emerges as a pivotal challenge, especially in our interconnected and dynamic digital era. Therefore, this research explores the drivers of green technology diffusion, moving from the traditional binary view of organizational proximity to a more nuanced trend of intricate and dynamic interactions within inter-organizational networks. We introduce a conceptual model to examine the influence of competition and collaboration on green technology diffusion, employing an inter-organizational network perspective. Our empirical study, targeting the global hydropower industry from 1999 to 2018, employs multi-source heterogeneous network analysis and quadratic assignment procedure regression. The findings reveal that during the industry's growth phase, collaboration plays a more significant role in green technology diffusion than competition. Conversely, in the maturity phase, competition emerges as the primary positive influence. Additionally, geographical distance is found to positively moderate the relationship between both competition and collaboration in green technology diffusion. These insights enhance our understanding of the drivers of green technology diffusion and provide policy recommendations for promoting such diffusion through inter-organizational competition and collaboration in the new area.

期刊:Reliability Engineering & System Safety
论文题目:Reliability analysis for a generalized sparse connection multi-state consecutive-k-out-of-n linear system
作者:高洪达(本院教师); Tengfei Tu; Qingan Qiu
The utilization of binary states is a common practice in reliability analysis. However, in complex systems such as aviation, spaceflight, and watercraft, the prevalence of multi-state systems and units is more pronounced. Consequently, extensive research has been undertaken to explore reliability analysis with a focus on multi-state consecutive-k models across various disciplines. Notably, the concept of sparse connection has received considerable attention due to its relevance in practical applications like wireless communication, cloud computing networks, and oil pipeline systems. This paper aims to propose a generalized multi-state consecutive-k: G system model that incorporates sparse connection. Both the system and the units are allowed to be in one of the ( M + 1 ) possible states, wherein the order numbers 0 , 1 , 2 , … , M indicate the performance measurement of the system or the units, i.e., 0 denotes the worst performance state while M denotes the best performance state. We classify the model into increasing, decreasing and non-monotonic consecutive-k systems corresponding to different mission requirements in practical applications. This paper utilizes the finite Markov chain imbedding (FMCI) method to derive explicit system state distributions for three types of multi-state consecutive-k-out-of-n: G systems. Subsequently, numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the proposed models and the corresponding results.

期刊:IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
期刊介绍:JCR Q1
论文题目:Text-Rich Graph Neural Networks with Subjective-Objective Semantic Modeling
作者:李雅文(本院教师); Yu,Zhizhi; He,Dongxiao
Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), which obtain node embeddings by attribute propagates along graph topology, exhibit significant power in graph-structured data mining. However, graphs in the real world are usually text-rich, where the text can not only be represented as node attributes, but also contains valuable objective semantic structures. Moreover, the graph topology also exhibits complex subjective semantic structures, especially the heterophily where nodes from different classes are prone to build connections, making existing GNNs that work under the assumption of homophily incapable to realize generalization. To tackle aforementioned limitations, we design a new text-rich graph neural network from a unified perspective, namely SO-GNN. It can effectively enhance the expressive power of GNNs by modeling the implicit but informative subjective-objective semantics underlying the text-rich graphs. Specifically, we first introduce a new constrained Markov matrix with well-defined probabilistic diffusion dynamics to guide information propagation, where the neighbors are more appropriate and indicative in providing both local and global subjective semantics. We then construct a flexible heterogeneous text graph to gain a deeper insight into objective semantics, providing indispensable information for learning node embedding. Finally, we unite subjective and objective semantics in an end-to-end manner, so that the model can fully utilize the most relevant information for downstream tasks. Extensive experiments across various text-rich graphs with low-to-high homophily demonstrate the effectiveness and flexibility of the proposed SO-GNN over state-of-the-arts.

期刊:Telematics and Informatics
论文题目: Insights from cross-cultural memes: An empirical study on instagram and Douban
作者:张雷瀚(本院教师),Cao, Herui,闫强(本院教师)
As one of the most prevalent types of memes, visual memes often transcend individual cultures and languages and reach broad online communities of disparate actors. However, how the intrinsic factors of visual memes shape cross-cultural diffusion and whether visual memes can positively promote digital cultural globalization remains unclear. To answer these questions, we identified 1147 visual memes with 11,729 instances from four online communities on Instagram and Douban and manually annotated the memes in three dimensions, i.e., form, content, and emotion. Then, regression and structural causal models were designed to investigate the intrinsic factors affecting cross-cultural diffusion. Empirical results reveal that memes expressing focused and positive emotions, conveying universal topics, sourcing from films, using short captions, and featuring African or Caucasian roles are more likely to attain cross-cultural diffusion. In contrast, the memes featuring female or Asian roles are just the opposite. Moreover, the structural analysis of emotions, topics, and social identities suggests that although the dominance of Western culture and male groups persists in cross-cultural memes, visual memes have the potential to challenge the hegemonic power structures. From the prism of cross-cultural diffusion, the connotation of memes is enriched-expressive repertoires using multimodal discourses that can act as bridges between different cultures and languages. In summary, this research uncovered the effects of the intrinsic factors of visual memes on cross-cultural diffusion using regression and causal models for the first time and can help perform effective memetic engagement across different communities and cultures.

期刊:International Review of Financial Analysis
论文题目:Asymmetric impact of energy prices on financial cycles based on interval time series modeling
作者:严子淳(本院教师); Chaonan Wu; Jingjia Zhang; Zehan Wang; Ivona Lađevac
Energy prices crucially affect financial cycles. We employ the bivariate empirical mode decomposition (BEMD) model to disaggregate the daily interval data of the volatility index (VIX) and rely on the threshold autoregressive interval model (TARI) to incorporate energy prices into the forecasting model. Furthermore, the threshold interval decomposition ensemble (TIDE) is used to forecast the VIX series with nonlinearities to improve the forecasting accuracy. Moreover, we apply the root mean square error (RMSE) and the Diebold–Mariano test (DM) to evaluate the TIDE model performance across various frequency components and the final integration results. This paper demonstrates a significant correlation between energy prices and financial cycles, along with a temporal asymmetry effect. While the impact of energy prices on improving VIX forecasting is minimal in the short term, it becomes substantial over medium and long terms. Specifically, the influence of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) prices on the VIX is notable in both medium and long terms. Our results offer new insights and methodologies for predicting financial cycles, assisting investors in evaluating volatility-related exchange-traded products. Additionally, these findings are crucial for developing more effective policies to promote green energy development.

期刊:Expert Systems with Applications
论文题目:Insight into China’s economically motivated adulteration risk in online agricultural product sales
作者:刘恒宇(本院教师); Wen Tong
Quality uncertainty and inspectors’ imperfect testing capability leave agricultural products wide open to economically motivated adulteration (EMA), and online shopping demand for these products in China makes it even worse. We develop a game-theoretic framework to investigate online agricultural product sellers’ EMA behavior on an e-commerce platform (EP). We characterize the sellers’ equilibrium pricing and adulteration decisions and the EP’s optimal take rate decision and analyze how the sampling inspections and adulteration penalty jointly impact these decisions. Moreover, we investigate three managerial levers to deter EMA: (i) penalizing EP’s malpractice regarding food safety management, (ii) claiming a higher-than-law-requires adulteration penalty to consumers, and (iii) adopting the traceability systems to record reliable quality information. Finally, we use real-world data to calibrate our model and derive more managerial insights. We find that the quality-differentiated sellers’ adulteration decisions are symmetric and their ex-post pricing decisions lead them to evenly share the market on the EP. We show that the EP’s higher take rate can inhibit the sellers’ adulteration behavior, however, it may indulge their such behavior by intentionally decreasing this rate. Our results highlight a penalty-inspection-centered approach as essential to combat EMA, and that it can be supplemented by the three levers.

期刊:Pattern Recognition
论文题目:Weakly privileged learning with knowledge extraction
作者:付赛际(本院教师); Tianyi Dong; Zhaoxin Wang; Yingjie Tian
Learning using privileged information (LUPI) has shown promise in improving supervised learning by embedding additional knowledge. However, its reliance on the assumption of readily available privileged information may not hold true in practical scenarios due to limitations in access or confidentiality. To address these challenges, this paper presents a novel weakly privileged learning (WPL) framework, integrating knowledge extraction methods within the LUPI context. An effective strategy is proposed to implement the WPL framework, where knowledge extraction techniques generate a weight matrix as weak privileged information. Extensive experiments employing various existing knowledge extraction techniques demonstrate that the proposed WPL outperforms traditional supervised learning and approaches the performance of standard privileged learning where privileged information is given in advance. This research establishes WPL as a promising learning paradigm, addressing limitations in privileged information availability and advancing the field of machine learning in practical settings.

期刊:Knowledge-Based Systems
论文题目:An intensification-driven search algorithm for the family traveling salesman problem with incompatibility constraints
作者:魏泽群(本院教师); Jin-Kao Hao; Jintong Ren; Qinghua Wu; Eduardo Rodriguez-Tello
The family traveling salesman problem with incompatibility constraints (FTSP-IC) is a variant of the well-known traveling salesman problem. Given a set of candidate nodes divided into several subsets (families), the FTSP-IC is to find several routes such that the sum of their total traveling distance is minimized, while ensuring a predetermined number of nodes from each family is visited and satisfying the incompatibility constraints. The FTSP-IC has a number of real-life applications, yet it is challenging to solve the problem due to its NP-hard nature. In this work, we introduce a competitive intensification-driven search algorithm for solving this relevant problem. The proposed algorithm significantly intensifies the search by performing extensive searches in the nearby area of discovered local optima. Computational results on 63 benchmark instances from the literature show that our algorithm is able to improve 29 best-know solutions (new upper bounds) and match all the remaining 34 proven optimal solutions. The impacts of the key components of the algorithm on its performance are experimentally analyzed.

期刊:Computers & Industrial Engineering
论文题目:Recovering farming supply chains from animal epidemics via government subsidies
In recent years, animal epidemics - such as African swine fever and bird flu - break out more frequently in both developed and developing economies, causing serious economic losses and animal product shortages. To restore animal product supply, many governments offer two agricultural subsidies to farms: (i) the culling compensating subsidy (CCS), which guarantees a floor price for culled animals, and (ii) the scaled construction subsidy (SCS), which supports large-scale farms to enhance their production capacities. We develop a three-stage Stackelberg game framework to capture the strategic interactions among the government, large- and small-scale farms. In particular, the two types of farms differ in their epidemic prevention and control capabilities and must operate under yield uncertainty. We study two cases regarding whether the government requires a minimum BS for the SCS. In each case, we analyze the equilibrium decisions of the profit-seeking farms and characterize the structure of the government's optimal subsidy programs with an earmarked budget to maximize social welfare. Moreover, we identify the conditions under which the government should adopt the "SCS only strategy", "CCS only strategy", or offer the two subsidies simultaneously. Furthermore, we examine the effectiveness of the subsidy programs in terms of consumer surplus, farms payoffs, and social welfare. We show that in both cases, these programs can make the three stakeholders achieve a win-win-win situation by prioritizing a reasonable CCS according to the subsidy budget. We leverage our analyses to offer insights that can help generate policy recommendations for stakeholders in countries suffering from animal epidemics.

期刊:Omega - The International Journal of Management Science
期刊介绍:JCR Q1
论文题目:Analysis of the Chinese government's subsidy programs to restore the pork supply chain: The case of African swine fever
作者:刘恒宇(本院教师); Zheng, Kai
Since African swine fever (ASF) was first detected in China in August 2018, it has killed more than one million pigs and caused pork prices to skyrocket. To address this, the Chinese government offers two farm subsidies: (i) the compulsory culling subsidy (CCS), which cushions losses from new outbreaks by compensating for pigs culled due to ASF, and (ii) the large-scale breeding subsidy (LBS), which maintains or increases farms' breeding scales (BSs) by requiring a minimum BS. We develop a game-theoretic model to capture the underlying dynamics between the government and farms. In particular, farms have different production capacities and must decide their BSs under yield uncertainty due to possible new outbreaks. We analyze the optimal design of subsidy programs with an earmarked budget to maximize social welfare, and we examine the impacts on different stakeholders. Our analysis reveals several insights. First, the government should offer the CCS only if the budget is very constrained; otherwise, it should simultaneously offer the two subsidies and prioritize compensating farm losses by providing a good CCS. Second, the optimal subsidy programs can increase consumer surplus regardless of the budget, and programs with a small or large budget can make all farms better off. However, small- and moderate-scale farms (that do not enroll in the LBS) will be worse off under these programs with a moderate budget. Third, the optimal subsidy programs can create positive net social value that is nondecreasing in the budget; hence, a win-win-win situation can be achieved by establishing a sufficiently large budget for these programs. Finally, we calibrate our model using Chinese pig industry data and provide further insights into ASF subsidy programs.

期刊:Neural Networks
论文题目:Generalized robust loss functions for machine learning
作者:付赛际(本院教师); Xiaoxiao Wang; Jingjing Tang; Shulin Lan; Yingjie Tian
Loss function is a critical component of machine learning. Some robust loss functions are proposed to mitigate the adverse effects caused by noise. However, they still face many challenges. Firstly, there is currently a lack of unified frameworks for building robust loss functions in machine learning. Secondly, most of them only care about the occurring noise and pay little attention to those normal points. Thirdly, the resulting performance gain is limited. To this end, we put forward a general framework of robust loss functions for machine learning (RML) with rigorous theoretical analyses, which can smoothly and adaptively flatten any unbounded loss function and apply to various machine learning problems. In RML, an unbounded loss function serves as the target, with the aim of being flattened. A scale parameter is utilized to limit the maximum value of noise points, while a shape parameter is introduced to control both the compactness and the growth rate of the flattened loss function. Later, this framework is employed to flatten the Hinge loss function and the Square loss function. Based on this, we build two robust kernel classifiers called FHSVM and FLSSVM, which can distinguish different types of data. The stochastic variance reduced gradient (SVRG) approach is used to optimize FHSVM and FLSSVM. Extensive experiments demonstrate their superiority, with both consistently occupying the top two positions among all evaluated methods, achieving an average accuracy of 81.07% (accompanied by an F-score of 73.25%) for FHSVM and 81.54% (with an F-score of 75.71%) for FLSSVM.

期刊: 管理科学学报
作者:何瑛(本院教师); 任立祺; 于文蕾; 杜亚光
上市公司违规问题一直备受资本市场高度关注,对于其影响因素的单一维度变量因果关系研究固然关键,但构建有效的整体性预测模型研究同样具有重要意义.本研究基于内部治理视角选取重要的公司特征和高管个人特征构建上市公司违规行为预测模型,以2008年—2019年中国A股上市公司为样本,利用机器学习算法LightGBM和SHAP工具,研究两类特征对违规行为的预测能力,重要性排序及预测模式.研究结果表明:模型可以在一定程度上预测公司违规行为,公司特征比高管个人特征对预测产生的影响更大. 其中,上市公司信息透明度越高、总资产净利率越大、资产负债率越低、高管团队持股比例越高、业绩波动性越小、分析师关注度越高,模型预测违规的倾向越低;高管年龄偏小、公司存在董事长与CEO两职合一情况时,模型预测违规的倾向增高.大部分特征均与违规行为呈现非线性关系,与传统理论和实证研究结论相一致. 本研究从预测视角拓展我国公司高管特征研究,为监管部门和投资者提升监管和投资效率、企业完善内部治理机制提供经验证据。

作者:何瑛(本院教师); 陈丽丽; 杜亚光

作者: 赵晨(本院教师); 林晨; 周锦来; 刘军; 高中华

期刊: 中国人口·资源与环境
作者: 王雨飞(本院教师); 王云辉; 许可; 曹清峰
创新主体之间的跨区域合作是应对并解决现有企业创新需求的有效手段,是发挥创新合力打造科技创新共同体的重要形式。该研究从企业跨区域合作创新的视角,基于2005—2019 年高铁连通与“企业-城市关系对”的合作专利申请的面板数据,采用多期双重差分法,实证检验高铁连通促进企业跨区域合作创新的影响及作用机制。研究发现:①企业所在城市与合作对象所在城市高铁连通显著提升了企业合作专利申请的数量,该结论在经过内生性检验、平行趋势检验、安慰剂检验和稳健性检验后依然稳健;②在高铁连通影响下,企业跨区域合作创新对象的数量明显增加,但主要分布在近距离及近距离的中心城市范围内,整体呈现“散中有聚”的空间收缩效应和空间分级效应;③高铁连通还使得企业合作创新质量得到提升,将近距离范围内的低质量合作创新转化为高质量的合作创新,呈现空间上的分层效应。进一步研究发现:①高铁连通主要促进了非制造业企业的合作创新,而对制造业企业的促进效果不显著;②高铁连通使国有资本背景的企业跨区域合作专利申请的数量得到提高,而对民营、外资和其他企业的影响不显著;③高铁连通更能提高规模较大企业的合作创新水平,但对规模相对较小的企业作用不显著。该研究结论可为国家推动企业牵头组建创新联合体,完善创新体系建设提供新思路;建议持续优化完善高铁主干及支线网络布局,将更多潜力城市接入高铁网络。

作者:王砚羽(本院教师); 卢婷; 刘汝芳

作者:陈岩(本院教师); 张睿倩; 吴超楠; 时准

作者:张生太(本院教师); 杨阳; 袁艺玮(本院教师); 杨洪军; 张梦桃

作者:赵晨(本院教师); 周锦来; 林晨; 高中华

作者:袁然(本院教师); 魏浩

作者:石文华(本院教师); 黄来恩; 吕廷杰(本院教师); 胡明瑶(本院教师)

论文题目: 领导批判性思维能激活团队创造力吗?一个三重交互作用模型
作者:江静(本院教师); 董雅楠; 武欣; 屠兴勇

作者:王砚羽(本院教师); 卢婷

作者:王晓康(本院教师); 李帅戈; 王熠晖; 万岩(本院教师)

期刊介绍:中国人文社会科学期刊 AMI 心理学权威期刊
作者:赵晨(本院教师); 林晨; 周锦来; 高中华
为了让下属更好地接受并追逐愿景, 领导会在与下属的愿景沟通中有意进行负面反馈。然而, 领导应如何通过调整负面反馈的措辞策略, 来提高愿景沟通的效果尚不明确。基于幻想实现理论开展了情景实验(研究1,N= 76)及问卷调查(研究2,N= 301; 研究3,N= 619), 结果一致表明, 愿景沟通中领导的负面反馈解释水平能够通过下属的愿景实现期望进而影响其愿景追逐行为, 同时这一中介机制被组织经营状态调节。当组织处于顺境中, 领导在采取负面反馈时应该采用较低的解释水平, 而当组织处于逆境中则应采取较高的解释水平, 这样能使负面反馈发挥出最佳效果。研究结论有助于揭示愿景沟通中负面反馈的解释水平对下属愿景认知与行为反应的作用机制, 为领导者如何在与下属的愿景沟通中有效开展负面反馈提供了实践启示。