论文题目:The Transformation of Huawei Mobile: Managing Complementary Assets to Build Cross-Functional Ambidexterity
时 间:2018年9月21日(周五)下午13:30-14:30
地 点:经济管理学院304室
报告人: 晏梦灵 讲师 北京邮电大学
主持人: 曾雪云 教授 北京邮电大学
点评专家:吴彦濬 教授 台湾师范大学
摘要:It is usually difficult for enterprises to address the challenges of radical innovation due to incumbent rigidity during evolutionary process. Cross-functional ambidexterity addresses this challenge by enabling organizations to juxtapose exploration and exploitation across different functional domains (particularly in product and market domains). While it creates an efficient and synergetic fusion of complementary streams of exploratory and exploitative activities during radical technological changes, it’s unclear how cross-functional ambidexterity is established. In order to gain a better understanding, we draw on the theoretical perspective of punctuated equilibrium in our in-depth case study on Huawei Mobile, the Consumer Business Group of a Chinese multinational information and communications technology (ICT) solutions provider. Huawei Mobile managed to transform its products from low-end cellphones to high-end smartphones in the three-year period during 2011 to 2013. We outlined the evolutionary path of Huawei Mobile’s cross-functional ambidexterity, and found that the company had retained, adjusted, and constructed different types of complementary assets to facilitate the transformation.
报告人简介:晏梦灵,北京邮电大学经济管理学院讲师。2011年毕业于中国人民大学信息学院信息管理与信息系统方向,获工学学士学位;2011至2016就读于年毕业于北京大学光华管理学院管理科学与工程方向,获管理学博士学位;2016年进入北京邮电大学经济管理学院任教。研究兴趣集中在企业信息技术商业价值、企业双元能力构建等方面,研究方法以案例研究为主,兼顾案例研究与问卷、二手数据等其他方法结合的混合研究设计。目前主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、教育部人文社科青年项目、北京邮电大学教改项目、阿里研究院“活水计划”项目等研究课题。相关成果发表于Information Technology & People, 《中国软科学》、《研究与发展管理》、《经济与管理研究》、《信息系统学报》等期刊,ICIS,HICSS, AOM, PACIS等学术会议。
点评专家简介:吴彦濬教授,博士毕业于美国密歇根大学安娜堡分校(University of Michigan,Ann Arbor),在中央财经大学等多所国内大学做学术报告和兼职教授。吴教授担任International Federation of Logistics and SCM Systems资深副主席,拥有50多篇SSCI/SCI论文发表于20个国际重要期刊。亦担任三个国际期刊的副主编与五个国际期刊(SSCI)专刊主编与数十个SSCI/SCI期刊之评审专家与编辑成员。