Title: Governance of Cyberspace
主讲人:Prof. Edward Humphreys, Chair of the ISO/IEC group JTC1/SC27/WG1
主持人:闫强 教授 北京邮电大学经济管理学院
时 间: 2018年11月12日(周一)下午14:00-15:30
地 点: 经管楼204会议室
This lecture will present some of the aspects of cybersecurity that impact on the development of international governance of the cyberspace. It will consider some of the specific issues and concerns of cyberspace governance and the different approaches being proposed by the international players.

Edward Humphreys教授是一位活跃在信息安全领域超过43年的国际公认专家,并且在过去的7年里,他一直担任行业和政府的网络风险、网络安全和网络治理顾问。他是在全球被广泛采用的“ISO/IEC系列信息安全管理标准之父”,自1990年以来还担任ISO / IEC团体中JTC1/SC27/WG1的主席。他是英国和亚洲五所高校的客座教授,并在这些高校中授课且担任网络治理领域的研究员。Edward Humphreys教授因在网络安全方面的国际工作曾获得多项知名奖项,包括享有盛誉的Wolfe-Barry网络安全标准及认证金奖,以及由于他在国际社会信息安全管理认证系统领域的重要工作而获得的两项终身成就奖。
Prof. Edward Humphreys has been an internationally recognized professional in information security for more than 43 years, and for the past 7 years he has been an advisor to industry and government on cyber-risk, cyber-security and cyber-governance. He is the ‘father’ of the ISO/IEC family of information security management standards which have been adopted globally. He is also the chair of the ISO/IEC group JTC1/SC27/WG1 since 1990. He is a visiting professor attached to five universities in UK and Asia, where he lectures and is a research fellow on various aspects of cyber-governance. He has been given prestigious award for his international work on cyber-security including the coveted Wolfe-Barry Gold Medal for cyber-security standards and certification, as well as two lifetime achievement awards for his service to the international community on information security management accreditation and certification systems.