题 目:科技型中小企业的政府支持与行政裁量
Title: Technology-based SMEs, Government support and Bureaucratic Discretions
主讲人:李纪珍 副教授、副院长 清华大学经济管理学院
主持人:闫 强 教授 北京邮电大学经济管理学院
时 间:2018年10月31日(周三) 下午14:00-15:30
地 点:经管楼204
It’s well documented that access to state-controlled resources could be a major advantage for economic actors in the market place, especially in the developing world. However, we know relatively little regarding which firms are best positioned to influence the state’s resource allocation decisions and how the formal structure of state agencies shape the opportunism for informal and even illegal dealings. We study a leading innovation subsidy program in China. Taking advantage of a policy change that opened the door for grant agents to exercise bureaucratic discretions in the program, we investigate how entrepreneurs vary in their capability to capture the state (i.e. accessing state funding with the assistance of state agents trespassing official policy guidelines). Rather than relying on subjective measures of state capture, we use internal archive data to trace the grant allocation process by the central government agency to document such activities. We find systematic evidence that firms vary in their capability to influence the subsidy program’s funding decisions. On the one hand, firms that are located in Beijing, applying for larger subsidies, and featured with state ownership are more likely to access the grant through informal, illicit means of bureaucratic discretion. On the other hand, formal bureaucratic structures define power hierarchy, report lines and interaction opportunities among state agencies and thus shape a given lower agency’s ability, on behalf of firms under its administration, to influence the central agency’s grant allocation decision. We further find that, in comparison to firms winning state funding on their own merits, state-capturing firms are associated with lower R&D intensity but larger grants, suggesting that our observed bureaucratic discretions reflect crony capitalism that reduces rather than enhancing social welfares.
